An Introduction to The Healing Frequency
Acclaim for The Healing Frequency
"The Healing Frequency is an inspiring demonstration of how one can make the shift from the unconscious to conscious, from darkness to light, with personal examples of the power of the Mind to make this important shift in service to healing and spiritual growth. We highly recommend this book to any spiritual seeker on the path to spiritual awakening."
-Gary R. Renard, best-selling author of "The Disappearance of the Universe," and Cindy Lora-Renard, MA in Spiritual Psychology
"Jiulio Consiglio’s work, The Healing Frequency, would be just another book if not for his eloquent interpretation of life lessons and his poignant reflection on experiences that have transformed him more than his words can tell us. The Healing Frequency introduces us to humanity shared from the heart and shows us how to transmute our pain into a transcendent way of being."
-Tim Miejan, editor & publisher of The Edge www.edgemagazine.net
"In The Healing Frequency Jiulio Consiglio shares his story of pain and suffering with ruthless honesty. He takes us into his own journey and reveals how he came to make powerful shifts in his own life. This is a must read for those eager to understand themselves at a deeper level and for those that want to feel true freedom."
– Hina Khan Coach/Psychotherapist/TV Personality
"Jiulio Consiglio is clearly an old soul attempting to put into words a profound experience of awakening…Unflinching, he speaks of his early struggle and depression as his route to discovering the Oneness underneath everything. Seekers will find many gems in this powerful book."
-Jose Luis Stevens Ph.D. Co-founder of the Power Path; Author of “Awaken the Inner Shaman,” and “Transforming Your Dragons.”